What is Computed Tomography?
Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital is proud to announce the addition of computed tomography (CT) to our practice. CT is a procedure that uses many x-ray images, called slices, to generate a cross-sectional image of the area being scanned. CT can even generate a 3-D image. Our Toshiba multi-slice helical CT scanner allows for rapid assessment scans that, in many cases, can be performed with minor sedation. Scans are often completed in several minutes, resulting in decreased risk to the patient and less cost to the client. In addition, our CT unit allows for 3-D reconstruction, aiding in both establishing a diagnosis and planning treatment.
CT scans are available by appointment and on an emergency basis.
CT Applications
- Ectopic ureters
- Vascular studies
- Liver, Splenic and Adrenal
- Elbow dysplasia
- Dissecans,Carcinoma and Fibrosarcoma
- Tarsus Osteochondrosis fracture
- Stifle arthrography
- Shoulder Osteochondrosis
- Pelvis Dysplasia
- Intermuscular lipoma
- Trauma
- General brain assessment
- Orbita
- Inner ear
- Sinuses/rhinitis
- Vertebral trauma: fractures,
instability - Articular facet joints
- Hematomas
- Intervertebral discs: degeneration, mineralization, gas, narrowing, herniation
- Spinal cord compression
- Myelography
- Subarachnoid cyst
- Osteolysis
- Osteochondrosis
- Osteoproductive lesions
- Spinal malformations
- Cardiopulmonary, Pulmonary and Mediastinal masses
- Pleural space disease
- Pulmonary metastasis
- Thoracic trauma
- Lung lobe torsion
- CT-guided aspirate or biopsy
Helical CT Angiography
- Vascular cycles
- Portal veins
- Hepatic veins
- Portosystemic shunts
- Portal vein thrombosis
- Adrenal carcinomass